Slavery can occur in various forms, including servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of an individual’s freedom by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain. This policy spells out our position on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking with the aim of preventing opportunities for modern slavery to occur within our business operations including supply chain.
Plocs Holdings Limited recognizes that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking and is absolutely committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its corporate activities, and to ensuring that its supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking. Plocs Holdings Limited is committed to ensuring compliance standards are met and maintained by auditing our suppliers and being audited by affiliated framework agreements.
Workforce Organization
Plocs Holdings Limited seeks to get job opportunities in various category of industries as outlines on our website (both skilled, non-skilled, semi-skilled and professionals)
As an Equal Opportunities Organization, we welcome candidates and internal staff via online job searches, referrals and local recruitment drives. The organization takes a stringent approach in recruiting workforce. We communicate directly with all candidates, to discuss any work opportunities and to confirm details of any offer made. We have robust IT backed procedures in place for the vetting of new employees and workers and ensure that we are able to confirm their identities, their right to work in the Kenya, Dubai, Qatar, Poland, United Arabs Emirates, United Kingdom and Lebanon and that they are paid directly into an appropriate, personal bank account.
For any employee or worker with a work permit or visa, we carry out regular audits and management of these documents to ensure they remain valid. As a recruitment agency we are governed by The National Employment Authority for which we recently passed their compliance audit and we have valid license. Full policies on our recruitment processes can be obtained on request from our office
Our Commitment
We have a zero-tolerance to human trafficking and slavery in all its forms. We are committed to ethical behaviour and conducting all business with integrity and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking does not take place in our own businesses, spheres of influence or those of our suppliers. We will continually review our compliance and risk management processes to determine and ensure adequacy of measures to prevent slavery and human trafficking in any part of our business or our supply chain. Going forward, we expect those with a business relationship with us to familiarise themselves with this policy and to consistently ensure compliance with it.
Equal Opportunities and Safeguarding | Whistleblowing Policy
Plocs Holdings Limited encourages anyone, including colleagues, suppliers, candidates and clients to report any issue or concerns about potential unethical business practices, such as fraud, bribery, slavery or human trafficking and will work with the local authorities to ensure such concerns are investigated properly and dealt with efficiently and effectively.
In Conclusion we wish to state categorically that Plocs Holdings Limited has put in place all measures that prohibits modern slavery and human trafficking. All potential candidates are encouraged to seek any clarity of information they may need from our office during the recruiting process and interview process, same way we are a call away.
Contacting us
If you have any question regarding this policy write to us directly to
WhatsApp us
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